
This is the most sophisticated and effective method I have seen for the prevention and reversal of deterioration of function.

—Margaret Mead, Ph.D., anthropologist

I have worked with Amber for several years and continue to work with her. She is a wonderful, creative and innovative practitioner. With her teachings I have been able to enhance my dancing technique, reduce the incidence of injury and ease the process of recovery. Through both ATM and FI, I have developed my stamina, increased my range of movement and discovered more beauty and grace. I recommend any dancer to Amber as well as any performing artist and anyone who wishes to improve one's quality of life.

—Mikhail Ilyin, American Ballet Theatre

I went to Amber with severe hip pain that seriously interfered with my walking. I had been told by an orthopedist that I would become a candidate for a hip replacement in the near future. After not that many sessions with Amber, the hip pain went away. She is a wonderful, competent practitioner and a great lady.

—Valerie R. Frankfeldt, LCSW, PhD

The exercises are so ingeneous and so simple.

—Yehudi Menuhin, concert violnist

Amber is a great teacher and knows how to convey awareness through movement with tender hands and deep understanding.

—Judith Malina, Artistic Director, Living Theatre

FELDENKRAIS METHOD inspired and guided me into discovering both physical and emotional possibilities I knew I possessed but did not apply.

—Lois Kagan Mingus, Performer, Living Theater

After studying Awareness Through Movement (ATM) I walk with a more fluid gait. I bend consciously and pain free. I understand how to relieve the stress on my arthritic joints. My brain is in sync with my body which is in tune with my heart.

—Jane Marx